Child Dentistry

At Cherians Dental Clinic, we strongly advise & encourage parents to get their children for an oral assessment from or as young as 6 months old. It will help your child to get familiar with the dentists at Cherians Dental Clinic and gives us a chance to develop a long lasting doctor-patient relationship without the risk of dental fear later in their life.

Early oral assessment will evaluate the different elements of your kid’s smile and long term solution for their oral development. We pride ourselves in preventive dentistry and so on designing treatment plans which assure your little ones to develop and maintain healthy smiles for their whole life.

Fixed-space maintainers

If a child loses a baby tooth, a space maintainer will stop the two teeth at either side of the spaces from moving into it until the adult tooth comes through. A band is fixed to one of the teeth next to the space, and a wire goes from the band to the other tooth.

Removable space maintainers

These are an alternative to fixed-space maintainers.

Special fixed appliances

These can help control tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. They may be uncomfortable, especially when eating, and so they are only used if necessary.

We provide,

At Cherians Dental Clinic, we run the practice at a measured pace to provide uncompromised personal attention. 

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